Akita ― A union of Kitaakita City government workers, together with Peace Kiataakita, a local peace group, held a painting and photograph exhibition depicting damage caused by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in a from August 17 to 23. The paintings exhibited at the event were created by high-school students of Hiroshima who interviewed atomic bomb survivors. Many of the paintings were and made viewers feel death.
Each artwork was displayed with an account of the A-bomb survivor’s experience that the artist listened to. They reminded viewers that the hellish scenes described in the paintings were not fiction but what actually took place in this country. As many of the paintings made union members, who organized the exhibition, wanted to look away, they praised the high school students who faced and painted the horrific history.
At the event, the organizers also collected signatures calling on the Japanese government to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.