
Noto Earthquake: Uji City worker reports every necessity is shortage, Gov’t immediate support demanded

Noto Earthquake: Uji City worker reports every necessity is shortage, Gov’t immediate support demanded

 KYOTO ― A massive earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa Prefecture, with many people killed, on New Year’s Day. It caused huge damage to houses and roads and forced disaster victims to live under severe conditions. Municipal authorities within Kyoto Prefecture began to dispatch their workers to disaster-stricken areas for support.

 Among those was Fumiya Aoki from the Uji City government, who is a member of the city workers’ union. He was sent to the town of Suzu in the tip of the Noto Peninsula from January 14 to 16.

 “Electricity supply has already been restored but the other utilities have not. Not only working staff but also necessities for daily life are short, such as food, toilets, bath and laundry,” he said.

 He also said that nationwide support from municipalities and volunteers were needed. “After all, prompt responses of the national government are demanded.”