

Memorial for Great East Japan Earthquake, 12 years after Fuk…

Fukushima: “the fact that 30,000 evacuees still cannot return home shows how horrible nuclear power is”On March 11, the 12th anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear accident, citizens of Fukushima Prefec…

2023 New Year Message from the President       

Spread information on peace and expand public servicesShingo SakuraiWe wish you a Happy New Year.Three years have passed since the Covid-19 began to spread in Japan. We would like to reiterate our res…

jichiroren appeals for abolition of nuclear weapons

2022 demo by anti-nuclear motorcyclists in Akita Pref. calls for nuclear arms abolition under clear autumn skiesOn September 9, a group of anti-nuclear motorcyclists organized by the youth group of Ak…

2022 Nationwide Peace March : Appeal to public for importanc…

Calling for a peaceful and hopeful world without nuclear weapons, the Nationwide Peace March has been held annually in all prefectures, cities, towns, and villages in Japan. Jichiroren has taken part …

Union members nationwide protests against Russia’s invasion …

Iwate Joint Center against Constitutional Revision:Urgent action calling for Russia’s immediate withdrawalIn its effort to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Iwate Prefecture Joint Center again…

We urge Russia to immediately withdraw troops from Ukraine ー…

Statement by Toshiaki IshikawaSecretary General, JichirorenFebruary 25, 2022The Russian military began its invasion of Ukraine on February 24 as it attacked with missiles military installations in Kyi…