

For better community healthcare and public hospitals

Jichiroren medical workers hold study meetingJichiroren on January 20 held a study meeting for medical workers about “protecting lives and communities”. Many nurses and clinical technicians from diffe…

Let us talk and reshape politics to make this year mark the …

2019 New Year Message from the PresidentHitoshi SaruhashiA Happy New Year to you all.The kanji for the year 2018 was 災(sai), meaning “disaster.” The main reasons why this Chinese character was chosen …

City office to consider hiring more staff based on workplace…

By Kazuyuki Kajino, bice-president, Ito City Workers’ UnionThe municipal office of Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture, has reduced the number of its public employees by more than 260 for the last 20 years.…

Jichiroren requests Governors’ association, City Mayors’ ass…

Jichiroren on October 1 made representations to the National Governors’ Association, the Japan Association of City Mayors, and the National Association of Towns and Villages, demanding that they join…

Jichiroren members engage in volunteer work in flooded weste…

Record-breaking rain in July cau sed landslides and flooding in western Japan, resulting in many casualties, missing people, and damage to residents’ houses. Many municipal workers in disaster-hit are…

Municipal workers learn from nationwide activities for “Saf…

Jichiroren held a national exchange meeting in Tokyo on June 2, aimed at eradicating long working hours and improving safety and health at work.Jichiroren has carried out a campaign throughout Japan t…