

Workers stage day of actions in 2018 Spring Struggle

As the People’s Spring Struggle Joint Committee staged a day of actions on March 15, members of Jichiroren held rallies and demonstrations throughout Japan on and around the day. Kanagawa: Rally and …

We demand thorough investigation into falsification of offic…

We demand thorough investigation into falsification of official documents and Moritomo Gakuen scandal--Core of the issue is distortion of administration by treating public workers as servants of those…

Jichiroren calls on the national gov’t to play roles for eff…

Members of Jichiroren’s committee for withdrawal from nuclear power generation and promotion of renewable energy, on December 14, submitted a statement calling for effective evacuation plans in a cas…

2018 New Year Message from the President

Let us talk about the Constitution in workplaces and courageously mark this year as major turning point I wish you a Happy New Year.During last year, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s aggressive attitude an…

Municipal workers examine work and community for residents t…

At a study meeting with business owners and scholars in Ehime Municipal workers in Ehime Prefecture held a study meeting on November 12 in Matsuyama City to examine their work and community to make th…

Women engaged in public services gather to share their thoug…

“For working women to shine”Women working in local governments gathered on September 2 and 3 in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, and discussed how to balance their work and life and how to create a wor…